[portland] next meeting: tomorrow night, 7:00pm @ cubespace!

michelle rowley mrowley at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 04:44:32 CET 2009

happy new year, python peeps! the first meeting of 2009 is just around the
corner (tomorrow night at 7:00!), so if it's not already on your calendar,
get your pens out.

on the agenda tomorrow is a talk by John Melesky on metaclasses, and with a
little prodding we may get Jason Kirtland on dict tricks, and Michel
Pelletier on deque. we also want to start up a discussion about what
everyone would like to hear about (and/or talk about) this year.

so! no hemming & hawing, people! tomorrow, 7:00pm, cubespace - see you
there. :)

meetup link: http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/9312544/

cubespace info:
622 SE Grand Ave.
Portland, OR 97214

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