[portland] Meeting tomorrow - 7pm @ CubeSpace

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 23:52:32 CET 2009

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:07 PM, michelle rowley <michelle at pdxpython.org> wrote:
> Hey Portland Pythoneers,
> It's that time again (Really? Yes, really!). Tomorrow night at 7pm at
> CubeSpace the Portland Python Users Group meets again. On the agenda for
> this month, we have three exciting talks planned:
> Adam Lowry will be showing off what he's been up to with Werkzeug (
> http://werkzeug.pocoo.org/)
> Kirby Urner is going to share some VPython goodness (http://vpython.org/)

I'm actually hoping to somewhat abuse the privilege, I hope in a
welcome way, by presenting Vpython *in the context* of my planned 3 hr
workshop at Pycon.  Of course I plan to condense it, go really fast.
I successfully did this with my engineering group on Saturday so I
know it's doable -- didn't run any code though, which I plan to do

For those wishing a preview of what my Pycon slides are about (there's
a link to 'em):


I won't have a "point of sale" demo for coffee shop use, though if
you're in a coffee shop reading this, and click on one of the Google
ads at the bottom of the above blog, you'll sort of get the idea.

I promise to keep it compact and not spill into Jason's time...


> Jason Kirtland plans to give us an overview of Zine (http://zine.pocoo.org/)
> So, if you're looking for fabulous new utilities for your WSGI app, want to
> see a sweet 3D graphics show, need an alternative to Wordpress, or just want
> to chill with other Python coders and eat Sesame Donuts (
> http://www.sesamedonut.com/), come and join us at CubeSpace tomorrow night.
> Everyone is welcome - hope to see you there!
> michelle
> meetup: http://python.meetup.com/183/calendar/9312544/
> twitter: http://www.twitter.com/pdxpython/
> wiki: http://www.pdxpython.org/
> cubespace info:
> 622 SE Grand Ave.
> Portland, OR 97214
> 503-206-3500
> http://cubespacepdx.com/
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