[portland] Reverse Engineering Program Flow

Rami Kassab rami at typethink.com
Wed Feb 4 05:11:00 CET 2009

Rich,I recently walked the tedious and time consuming "we need to find a CRM
/ Salesforce Automation tool!" and did a bunch of research. We needed a
straightforward salesforce automation tool to help manage leads, deals,
customer data, track communications, deadlines, estimate contract amounts,
etc and I fell upon PipeLine Deals CRM. It's a fully web based CRM targeted
towards sales and is only $15 a month per employee using it. Its interface
is beautiful, fast, and easy to understand. The biggest issue I had was all
of the clutter and unnecessary things other CRMs introduced. I highly
recommend you give PipeLine deals a try if you're willing to bypass the
open-source solution for this use case. They also have an iPhone interface,
which I use almost every day for my company. I recommend you check it out:
http://www.pipelinedeals.com/. They have a free 30-day demo. Use it to
import your leads and familiarize yourself with the beautiful AJAX driven
interface. It's extremely straightforward and simple.

I wish you the best of luck on this journey. There are, literally, hundreds
(if not thousands) of software solutions that claim to be a CRM. The issue
is, CRM is such a loose term that they are all really different and are
tailored to different purposes. The ones that claim can do it all are
incredibly bloated. I simply needed a tool just for sales right now and
PipeLine Deals was the right choice.

Take care!


*Rami Kassab* - Sales & Operations Director


rami at typethink.com

*Typethink - Creative Web Firm*

P 503.626.6231

F 503.626.6233

6025 SW Jean Rd.

Lake Oswego, OR 97035


On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 7:59 PM, Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com>wrote:

>  I really need a CRM/Sales Tracking application for my business. TinyERP
> looks like it will do, but I'm having difficulties with it and the mail
> list
> is completely non-responsive. (I tried a Microsoft-centric, web-based/flash
> required one called SnapCRM, but it also has big issues I cannot resolve.)
>  Anyway since TinyERP is a Python app I should be able to dig through it
> and fix what's not working. But, I need to see the program flow to find the
> right spot to fix. The current problem is connecting to the created
> database. I log in as a user and try to open the terp database, but get a
> message that there was a connection error. The UI/postgres middleware is
> psycopg, a library with which I am unfamiliar.
>  Is there a python development tool similar to ctags that will allow me to
> trace where the db connection problem is located? Is anyone here interested
> and willing to work with me on resolving this issue -- and any others that
> come up once I am able to get in to the db?
> Thanks,
> Rich
> --
> Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.               |  Integrity            Credibility
> Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.        |            Innovation
> <http://www.appl-ecosys.com>     Voice: 503-667-4517      Fax:
> 503-667-8863
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