[portland] Planning for October Meeting / Python Release Party!

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 01:12:01 CEST 2008

> A party sounds good, but I'd definitely like to hear a discussion of the
> changes either at this event or the next meeting.

I've been spinning Py3K as a "mock apocalypse" kind of in parody of
Y2K, for which Py3K was named in some degree.

Here you had a bunch of people running around thinking the world would
end because 99 would become 00 and we'd suddenly have no money!

> Would anyone in the group be interested in presenting a summary of the
> changes and show code samples?

I just blew my T-shirt budget on DemocracyLab T-shirts (for
September), but I bet there's a market for esoteric and allusive
slogan's like >>> print ( "this" )  -- a dig at Python 2.5's inability
to do so.

Some of you have probably been chuckling about this one, more Django-related:

> If coming up with a real presentation seems like too much, we've had
> great luck in other groups by simply having a facilitator read through
> the list of changes, have people in the audience jump in if they're
> familiar with them, and then demo these live on the projector.

Or we could all writhe on the floor under a strobe light because the
world is soon to end...

Keeping Portland weird,


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