[portland] introduction and a call for recommendations

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 04:58:20 CEST 2008

Greetings Chris --

Welcome to Portland.

I've got some write-ups of previous meetings of this group, which you
might retrieve with these filtering queries:


There's some good history there, re topics we've covered, though my
treatment is anything but comprehensive and/or exhaustive, are in no
way official meeting minutes or anything close.

Just another proud Portland Pythoneer,


On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 2:36 PM, Christopher Hiller
<chiller at decipherinc.com> wrote:
> Hello mailing list,
> I'm Christopher Hiller and I'm a software engineer for Decipher, Inc.  Our
> business is online surveys and we generally work with marketing agencies.
> Our technologies, on the main, are Python and JavaScript (a lot of jQuery).
> Personally, I've been using Python for several years and it's my language of
> choice for most development and scripting.  I haven't done Python full-time
> before, so I am sort of immersing myself in it --  I was wondering if anyone
> could recommend any good Python-related blogs or news sites?
> thanks
> Chris

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