[portland] Code Sprint Saturday on Reservations

Jeff Schwaber freyley at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 01:23:19 CEST 2008

Hey folks,

This year we've seen the rise of Calagator as an organizing tool for
the various tech groups out there, and now you can go to one place and
find out everything that's happening in (a set of) our communities.
Calagator is a wonderful resource for everybody, and it continues to
be developed in an open way. But for organizers and sponsors
especially, and for those who like events with organizers and
sponsors, Calagator lacks one particularly useful feature --
reservations. The ability to have some sense of who's coming is a boon
to those deciding where to put events, and how much to spend on food
and drink for them. Having some sort of reservation system for
Calagator would be a huge benefit.

At the last Calagator sprint, I presented an idea of how such a system
could work without being built into Calagator. Ideas were thrown about
and discussions had, and now we have a plan. We'll be building a
fairly simple web API in Django, and making the data available to
bookmarklet and other javascript calls from Calagator.

Will you come help us make it easier to tell the organizers that
you're coming? Maybe you'd like to help us think of how to better fit
this into the theme of Calagator and somehow aggregate reservations as
well as events? We'd really like to hear your input, and see your

No experience necessary. Those who are looking for an opportunity to
learn a bit more about Django are highly encouraged to come.

Saturday, October 4th, from 10am-6pm. Cubespace. If you can just drop
by for a bit, please do!



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