[portland] Interesting Ruby meeting tomorrow

Chris Foster outofthenet at gmail.com
Mon May 5 21:47:23 CEST 2008

Igal, from the Ruby Brigade was hoping someone would post this to the Python
list.  There have been a lot of overlapping topics this past year
(mercurial, git, testing, now GAE).  The last Ruby meeting I attended had at
least three pythonistas, three smalltalkers, and an assortment of Javascript
and PHP experts in addition to the Ruby guys.  It's good stuff.

Date: Sat, May 3 2008 2:27 am
> From: Igal Koshevoy
> The next meeting of the Portland Ruby Brigade is coming up, and this
> meeting's content should be of interest to both Ruby and Python
> programmers.
> * AppDrop: An open alternative to Google App Engine
> SUMMARY: AppDrop provides a proof-of-concept system for easily hosting
> and scaling web applications. It demonstrates how applications written
> for Google's App Engine can be ported to other platforms. AppDrop runs
> on Amazon EC2, currently hosts Python applications, and uses Ruby on
> Rails and ngnix as its backend. All the AppDrop code is open source and
> contributions are welcome. For more information, please visit: appdrop.com
> SPEAKER: Chris Anderson is the author of AppDrop, creator of Grabb.it,
> and founder of the independent music store Music For Dozens.
> * SortableColumns: A Rails gem/plugin for easing the pain of creating
> sortable HTML tables.
> SUMMARY: SortableColumns uses flexible YAML config files to specify the
> nature of the columns in an HTML table.  It can be used with any
> ActiveRecord result set (works with custom SQL fields) and multiple
> data-set definitions can be specified per model.  Currently supports
> plain HTML tables or it can be used with the YUI4Rails gem/plugin to
> easily create YUI DataTables.  You can see a demo of the library at
> sortablecolumns.heroku.com/ and get the Gem from
> rubyforge.org/projects/sortablecolumns/ . Bryan can also talk about his
> limited experience with the Heroku application hosting service if there
> is interest.
> SPEAKER: Bryan Donovan works at Sun Microsystems, where he turns tedious
> spreadsheet-driven processes into automated Rails-driven processes.  He
> also developed UrbanDrinks.com, the sortable stats pages at The Hardball
> Times baseball site, and the rubystats gem.  He has nothing to do with
> Brian Donovan at brian.maybeyoureinsane.net/blog/category/ruby/
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