[portland] Executing Python Code Within Emacs

Adam Lowry adam at therobots.org
Fri Mar 14 03:06:36 CET 2008

On Mar 13, 2008, at 5:22 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   I just upgraded python-mode.el so the 'execute buffer' command (C- 
> c C-c)
> works. However, while ipython is called and the script runs, the  
> output is
> filled with ANSI escape sequences; for example:
> 2m/data1/eikos/<ipython console>m
> 1mNameErrorm: name 'row' is not defined

Just a guess, but ipython by default uses lots of colors. I'd give  
launching it as "ipython --colors nocolor" a shot, just to see if  
that's the problem.


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