[portland] Fwd: [xpportland] Introduction to Agile, June 17-18

Jeff Schwaber freyley at gmail.com
Fri Jun 6 10:53:58 CEST 2008

Hey Pythonists,

Diana Larsen and Jim Shore are two excellent agilists in the Portland
area and the opportunity to learn from them should not be ignored.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Diana Larsen <dlarsen at futureworksconsulting.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 8:10 PM
Subject: [xpportland] Think globally, train locally - SAO Introduction
to Agile, June 17-18
To: xpportland at yahoogroups.com, apln-pdx at yahoogroups.com

Hi all,

Software Association of Oregon (SAO) and the Oregon Training Network
recruited Jim Shore and me to provide two days of Introduction to
Agile courses right here in Portland in June. Frankly, we're delighted.

On June 17, we'll present "The Business of Agile" and on June 18,
we'll present "Agile Software Development: No Silver Bullet, Just Good
Sense." The first day may appeal more to managers and organizational
leaders who are considering whether adopting Agile methods would be a
good move for their businesses. We've focused the second day more for
technical professionals. However, anyone interested in a shift to
Agile methods would get a lot out of either day.

Jim has blogged about the courses here:

I've blogged about them here:

If you have any questions about the courses, please feel free to
contact the Rachel Kjack at the Oregon Training Network, or Jim Shore,
or me.

Please help us spread the word about these courses to people in your
organization who you'd like to see jump on the Agile bandwagon.

Do you know folks in other organizations who've been curious about
Agile methods? Let them know about these courses.

Are you a member of a software-related user group (PJUG, PDX.rb,
pdxphp, PADNUG, SPIN, etc.) that has members who'd like to know about
these courses? Please cross-post this notice to those groups.

We have a short window of time to get good information to the people
who need it to make the best decision for their teams and
organizations. We need your help. Will you help us?

For direct links to registration pages, look here: http://tinyurl.com/67kscr
and here: http://tinyurl.com/5ghou8
The registration is extra-ordinarily reasonable, and there's an
additional discount for two people registering together.

Thanks for your help in letting the right people know this
Introduction to Agile is coming up soon.


PS Also remember the next XPDX lunch meeting happens on Friday, June
20, at McMenamins on NE Broadway and 16th in the Lloyd Center District.

Diana Larsen
co-author: "Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great!"
board chair, Agile Alliance, www.agilealliance.org "Passion.
Improvement. Delivery."
blogger: http://www.futureworksconsulting.com/blog

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