[portland] Tonight: Winter Coders Social 2008!

jason kirtland jek at discorporate.us
Tue Dec 9 23:00:24 CET 2008

Tonight is the Winter Coders Social!  It will be at our usual time and 
place (CubeSpace, 7pm) except with no presentations, LOTS more folks 
from other user groups, fun, games, and Beverage provided.  Food is pot 
luck this time around: bring a dish to share.  More info in the message 

Hope to see everyone there!


jason kirtland wrote:
> Join your fellow Pythonistas and hackers of other persuasions for the 
> 2nd Annual Winter Coders Social!  Instead of our regular meeting, user 
> groups from all over Portland are coming together for a winter social 
> with food, games and good times for all.
> When and Where:
> Our usual meeting time and place!
> Tuesday, December 9th, 7-10PM at CubeSpace
> Maps: http://python.meetup.com/183/
> Food:
> Some beverages will be provided.
> Potluck signup: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-form
> Current potluck list: http://tinyurl.com/coders-social-potluck-list
> Fun:
> We'll be playing games, like last year, so bring 'em!
> There will be a programming competition!  Any language welcome, no 
> particular toolkits or api skills necessary.  These'll be problems that 
> just require thought.  If enough of you are interested and bring a 
> language that you're only vaguely familiar with, we'll have a separate 
> league for language newbies.  Prizes?  Bragging rights!  Plus a surprise 
> or two.
> Hope to see you there!
> PS: We will need a cleanup crew immediately following the party; if
> you don't have to split right away, we'd appreciate your help.
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