[portland] Upcoming Meeting 9/11/2007

jason kirtland jek at discorporate.us
Thu Sep 6 18:52:23 CEST 2007

Mark is also on the wiki's agenda for a lightning talk on the Python 
Imaging Library.  Anyone else up?

One easy topic that seems kind of fun is the "How I Write Python" 5 
minute show and tell- just plug in your laptop and show some code in 
your editor/IDE of choice.  I've heard rumors that some of those new 
fangled IDEs do pretty smart things for Python development... maybe cool 
enough to make some of us old cranky Emacs users switch.  ;)

Jeff Schwaber wrote:
> Hey folks!
> It's that time again. We're set to see each other for more lightning
> talks, more questions, more chit (or chat), and more beer. This coming
> Tuesday, the 11th, 7pm, Cubespace, and here's what we had from last
> month:
> Lightning talks:
> Jason:  PyFlakes
> Kirby:  P4E (Programming for Everyone)
> Kirby:  Programming the Tux Droid
> Plenty of time for everybody else. Excellent.
> Anybody's company want to spring for pizza?
> Jeff
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