[portland] Planning for the August Meeting

Ron Jackson Ron at FascinatingElectronics.com
Fri Aug 3 23:30:10 CEST 2007

kirby urner wrote:
>> Is this something that would be appropriate at a meeting, posted to this mailing
>> list for comment, or is there a different Python forum for this sort of thing?
> Did you get some feedback on this?  I think short code snippets to give the
> flavor would be fine.  If there's something stylistic to comment on,
> it's probably
> pervasive, like long_camelCase_Variable_names_used_in_Java or something.

I haven't heard from anyone else on my question. At this point, all my 
code is short snippets!

Is the PDXpython group a social, professional, advocacy, technical, 
educational or tutorial gathering for software engineers, advanced 
amateurs or newbies? Seems like it could be any or all of these, and the 
group may wish to talk about what they want it to be.

Back to the topic of Python, the OSCON website has presentation files 
from many of the talks, including some video. The slides from Guido's 
talk about Python 3000 and a pdf of David Goodger's talk "Code Like a 
Pythonista" are available for free download (and both look excellent to me):


There is also a talk about Python on multicore processors, but I haven't 
looked at it:

  -- Ron

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