[PLPUG] Paczka PLPUG, Tom 44, Numer 1

Christopher Lozinski lozinski w PythonLinks.info
Wto, 16 Sty 2018, 07:17:41 EST

I am very glad to hear about those two different projects. 

I know that Code for Poland has a list of projects.  I think we should have a list of 
open source python projects in Poland.  Maybe organized by city.  That way volunteers can 
find a project in their city, and join up.  I know that Code for Poland has such an index, 
but we need one just for Python projects. 

Well let me make it happen.  

After some poking around I found a link to the Microbit translation project.
So I linked to it from 
https://pythonlinks.info/warsaw/transate-microbit-to-polish <https://pythonlinks.info/warsaw/transate-microbit-to-polish>

But even when I go to that GitHub webpage, it is still hard to volunteer.   There are no instructions for volunteering.  There is no link to your meetup page.   Can someone please fix it. 

It would be great to have a page for volunteers for this project.  Maybe on the PLPUG user group 
website.  You could have one page for Microbit training, one page for microbic translation,
one page for your digital library project. 

And where should I link to for volunteers for the library project?

Warm Regards



Warm Regards
Christopher Lozinski

tel: +48 12 361 3136
Skype: clozinski
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