[Persistence-sig] A simple Observation API

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@alum.mit.edu
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 18:19:50 -0400

[Meta-comment: I'm sorry it's taking us so long to reach some kind of
understanding on this issue.  It seems like we keep talking past each
other, but I'm not sure why.]

>>>>> "PJE" == Phillip J Eby <pje@telecommunity.com> writes:

  [I wrote:]
  >> If I understand this example correctly, then there are three
  >> different objects that implement the resource manager interface:
  >> 1. persist->XML
  >> 2. XML->Database
  >> 3. Database
  >> It sounds like the application code only interacts with 1, and
  >> that 2 and 2 should be considered implementation details of 1.
  >> Thus, only 1 should register with the transaction, since it's the
  >> only independent entity.
  >> When the transaction commits, it first calls prepare() on 1.
  >> This delegates the responsibility for the commit to 2, which in
  >> turn delegates to 3.  So for 1 to return True from its prepare, 2
  >> and 3 must also return True.
  >> Why doesn't this work? :-)

  PJE> Because 3 would be shared by other objects also being persisted
  PJE> to that SQL database, for just the first thing that comes to
  PJE> mind.

If you call prepare() twice on a resource manager, it should return
the same answer both times, right?  If so, then it shouldn't matter if
the same resource manager is being used as a top-level component and
an internal component.  It will perform its prepare work the first
time it is called and then just return its vote the second time it is

  PJE> But that's an implementation detail.  This is primarily an
  PJE> architectural issue.

I agree that it's an architectural issue.  (It's good that we agree on
some things <wink>.)  The example above sounds like a component-based
system, where there is a compound persist->xml->database component.
The subcomponents of this entity should not be registering themselves
with the transaction manager.  A component should control all
communication of its constituent parts with other components.

  PJE> Data manager 1 is generic code written to work on an XML DOM.
  PJE> It shouldn't have to *know* that the DOM *is* persistent, let
  PJE> alone *how* it's persisted.

The description of the first component implies that is supports
persistence objects and stores them using another component that
stores XML.  That top-level component *must* know how to handle
persistent objects and transactions, as it implements those

  PJE> You're calling for the placement of global architecture
  PJE> knowledge into individual components, that should only be known
  PJE> at a higher abstraction level.

I thought I was arguing the opposite.  Individual components should
not all talk to the global transaction manager.  Instead, when a
component is assembled, the parts should be wired together so that
each knows who to communicate with.
