[Persistence-sig] "Straw Man" transaction API

Jeremy Hylton jeremy@alum.mit.edu
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 15:37:56 -0400

>>>>> "SH" == Shane Hathaway <shane@zope.com> writes:

  >> The APIs look like this:
  >> class ITransaction(Interface): """Transaction objects."""
  >> def abort(): """Abort the current transaction."""
  >> def begin(): """Begin a transaction."""
  >> def commit(): """Commit a transaction."""
  >> def join(resource): """Join a resource manager to the current
  >> transaction."""

  SH> By "resource manager" do you mean "IDataManager"?

I have used these terms somewhat interchangeably, yes.  I think
"resource manager" is the more widely used terminology.

  >> def status(): """Return status of the current transaction."""

  SH> What kind of object would status() return?  Who might make use
  SH> of it?

I expect status returns values from an "enum" with values like
in-progress, committed, aborted.

  SH> Also, I'd like to see some way to set transaction metadata.

I didn't include any transaction metadata in the generic Transaction
interface.  I wasn't sure how generally applicable that was.  Instead,
I created a subclass of Transaction in ZODB that has the old ZODB

  SH> I would like this interface to be called
  SH> ITransactionParticipant.  There are many interesting kinds of
  SH> objects that would be interested in participating in a
  SH> transaction, and not all of them have the immediate
  SH> responsibility of storing data.  But the names you chose for the
  SH> methods are very clear and concise, I think.

I think IResourceManager is probably better (see above).  I wish I
could take credit for the names, but I just grabbed them from the Gray
& Reuter book :-).

  >> class IRollback(Interface):
  >> def rollback(): """Rollback changes since savepoint."""
  >> I think the rollback mechanism will work well enough.  Gray and
  >> Reuter explain that it can be used to simulate a nested
  >> transaction architecture.  Thus, I think it's a reasonable
  >> building block for the nested transaction API.

  SH> Making rollback operations into objects is a little surprising,
  SH> but as I don't fully understand the ideas behind nested
  SH> transactions, I'm sure there's a reason for rollback objects to
  SH> exist. :-)

The database needs some object to represent the particular savepoint.
A transaction could call savepoint() three times and have three
different states it could rollback to.  I decided a rollback object
was clearer than a rollback() method on the transaction that took a
savepoint_id argument.

  SH> It seems to me that the data manager should register to receive
  SH> specific notifications.  Some data managers are only interested
  SH> in knowing when an object is moving from "ghost" to "saved" and
  SH> from "saved" to "changed" state (such as ZODB); others might
  SH> want more events, like being notified the first time an object
  SH> is read in a transaction or receiving notification of *every*
  SH> attribute change.  Supporting the extra events in C only incurs
  SH> a speed penalty if the data manager requests those events.

That's a good idea.  We need to flesh out all the events that might be
part of the persistence framework, then we can see how that percolates
up into the transaction API.
