[Patches] cPickle incompatibility!

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Tue Feb 24 09:38:20 EST 2004

Hi developers,

while hunting for problems with Stackless pickling,
I found a bug in cPickle.

Pickling of functions:
pickle.py first tries a save_global.
If that doesn't work, it tries a save_reduce.

cPickle doesn't do that.
This bug exists since Python 2.3.

cvs -z9 diff -u -wb cPickle.c (in directory 
Index: cPickle.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Modules/cPickle.c,v
retrieving revision 2.148
diff -u -w -b -r2.148 cPickle.c
--- cPickle.c	12 Oct 2003 19:09:36 -0000	2.148
+++ cPickle.c	24 Feb 2004 14:28:34 -0000
@@ -2418,6 +2418,11 @@
      case 'f':
          if (type == &PyFunction_Type) {
              res = save_global(self, args, NULL);
+            if (res && PyErr_ExceptionMatches(PickleError)) {
+                /* fall back to reduce */
+                       PyErr_Clear();
+                       break;
+            }
              goto finally;

May I check this one in? (or somebody else do it)

ciao - chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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