[Patches] [Patch #102588] PEP 229: Use Distutils to build

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Tue, 16 Jan 2001 14:53:31 -0800

Patch #102588 has been updated. 

Project: python
Category: Build
Status: Open
Submitted by: akuchling
Assigned to : akuchling
Summary: PEP 229: Use Distutils to build


Date: 2001-Jan-16 14:53
By: akuchling

I've made an updated version of the patch; because it's 55K, 
SF won't accept it, so I've put it at 

There are only a very few things left to fix at this point:

* setup.cfg hard-wires the installation directory
because it has no access to a variable holding the installation prefix

* installs in subdirectories don't work because setup.cfg is only found in
the current directory.

I think those are the only two remaining issues before this can be checked
in (doubtless causing the sun to explode).


Date: 2000-Nov-29 20:18
By: akuchling

Not ready to be reviewed yet; I'm submitting this patch just to demonstrate
some progress.

This version of the patch just removes the use of makesetup in building the
interpreter, and hard-codes the presence of strop, posix, and _sre.  
Still to be done: write the top-level setup.py, and handle a few tricky
bits such as the signalmodule.


Date: 2000-Dec-01 15:26
By: gvanrossum

Would you mind explaining what the patch does in the PEP?

For more info, visit:
