[Patches] [Patch #102681] issubclass() and isinstance() error messages

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Thu, 04 Jan 2001 09:24:52 -0800

Patch #102681 has been updated. 

Project: python
Category: core (C code)
Status: Open
Submitted by: ping
Assigned to : gvanrossum
Summary: issubclass() and isinstance() error messages


Date: 2000-Dec-06 04:08
By: ping

This small patch makes the error messages from
issubclass() and isinstance() more descriptive.
It also contains a couple of tiny fixes to other
docstrings in bltinmodule.c.

Date: 2000-Dec-06 09:53
By: fdrake

Looks good, check it in!

Date: 2000-Dec-06 09:56
By: gvanrossum

Ping, are you sure that adding the function name to the error message
doesn't break the support for ExtensionClasses? abstract_issubclass() is
also called from isinstance().

I do agree with your docstring grammar changes! I've always thought that
the correct phrasing is "Return this-or-that", not "Return*s* this-or-that".

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