[Patches] [Patch #101663] Regression test for Unicode database

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Tue, 26 Sep 2000 04:08:56 -0700

Patch #101663 has been updated. 

Category: library
Status: Open
Summary: Regression test for Unicode database


Date: 2000-Sep-26 03:27
By: lemburg

This is a regression test for the available Unicode database
methods and functions.

There's one problem with it: it takes a few seconds to run because
it has to check 64k characters...


Date: 2000-Sep-26 04:08
By: none

umm.  you did mean "return h.hexdigest()" rather than
"return repr(h)", didn't you?

I also think the code is quite a bit more hypergeneralized (read slow) than it really has to be...  (e.g. if a method is missing or chokes on the data, why pretend it returned an empty string?)


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