[Patches] [Patch #101388] Backward compatibility hook

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Thu, 21 Sep 2000 15:28:20 -0700

Patch #101388 has been updated. 

Category: documentation
Status: Closed
Summary: Backward compatibility hook


Date: 2000-Sep-01 07:41
By: jhylton

same deal: postponed for now, but may be considered post 2.0b1


Date: 2000-Sep-15 07:17
By: fdrake

The test using sys.hexversion may be more readable if sys.version_info is used instead:

if sys.version_info < (2, 0):   ...

Date: 2000-Sep-15 09:51
By: gvanrossum

This is a doc update.
But I believe that it's backwards.
The proper solution is to let __getslice__(self, lo, hi) call self.__getitem__(slice(lo, hi)) -- or self[lo:hi:]; and similar for the others. Then you can write code in __getitem__ that handles slice objects (and tuples of slice objects).
Why does he use max(i,0) etc.? I don't think that's needed or correct!

The version check could be done to make it a bit faster.

Date: 2000-Sep-18 04:23
By: ods

Why using max(i, 0)

Let seq is the sequence with 5 items. Expression seq[-10:] is equivalent for seq.__getslice__(-5, sys.maxint) or seq.__getitem__(slice(-10, None, None)) but not seq.__getitem__(slice(-5, None, None))!

Date: 2000-Sep-18 07:46
By: gvanrossum

OK, I understand. Fred, if you want to do something with this, please use the version check you like and add a comment explaining the max() (if it's not already explained nearby).

Date: 2000-Sep-21 15:28
By: fdrake

Checked in with additional explanation in Doc/ref/ref3.tex revision 1.52.

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