[Patches] [Patch #101527] ustr

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Wed, 25 Oct 2000 13:50:41 -0700

Patch #101527 has been updated. 

Project: python
Category: None
Status: Rejected
Summary: ustr


Date: 2000-Sep-15 03:17
By: htrd

In July on i18n-sig, we discussed the need for a builtin 
function like "str" but which could return any string-like
object. Guido endorsed the idea
but no patch has been submitted.

I know its too late to add this as a builtin for 2.0. Is it
too late to add it to the string module?


Date: 2000-Sep-15 06:16
By: gvanrossum

I think we should not do this now. A feature freeze is a feature freeze. :-)

Let's see if the need really exists once 2.0 is released and then we can add it to 2.1.  I'm sure there are lots of other things that we find would be useful to add, once there's some real experience using the new Unicode stuff.


Date: 2000-Oct-25 13:50
By: gvanrossum

The patch isn't really a patch -- it's just pseudo code for an implementation.

I see several problems with this, not the least of which is that the C API PyObject_Str() forces str() to return an 8-bit string. You could propose to add a PyObject_UStr() that doesn't have this requirement but I think this requires more discussion than this space provides -- there are other drawbacks.

I've added an entry to PEP-42 instead; I'm rejecting this patch.

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