[Patches] Registry behaviour change for 1.6

Mark Hammond mhammond@skippinet.com.au
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 17:06:05 +1000

Attached is a patch for PC\getpathp.c that changes the registry
strategy for Windows.  There are extensive comments that document
the rules, so I wont bother repeating them here :-)

Note however that this patch is "Unicode aware", in that it can be
compiled against the Win32 Unicode APIs.  The normal Python build
still uses the ANSI API's; the Unicode versions were required for
Windows CE.

Release info:

I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this
contribution is
free of any claims of third parties under copyright, patent or other
or interests ("claims").  To the extent that I have any such claims,
hereby grant to CNRI a nonexclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free,
license to reproduce, distribute, perform and/or display publicly,
derivative versions, and otherwise use this contribution as part of
Python software and its related documentation, or any derivative
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I acknowledge that CNRI may, at its sole discretion, decide whether
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*** getpathp.c	2000/03/29 01:49:47	1.12
--- getpathp.c	2000/03/29 07:00:31
*** 32,43 ****
  /* Return the initial module search path. */
  /* Used by DOS, OS/2, Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98, Windows NT. */

  #include "Python.h"
  #include "osdefs.h"

  #ifdef MS_WIN32
  #include <windows.h>
! extern BOOL PyWin_IsWin32s();

  #include <sys/types.h>
--- 32,95 ----
  /* Return the initial module search path. */
  /* Used by DOS, OS/2, Windows 3.1, Windows 95/98, Windows NT. */

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
+    This describes how sys.path is formed on Windows.  It describes
+    functionality, not the implementation (ie, the order in which
+    are actually fetched is different)
+    * Python always adds an empty entry at the start, which
+      to the current directory.
+    * If the PYTHONPATH env. var. exists, it's entries are added
+    * We look in the registry for "application paths" - that is,
+      under the main PythonPath registry key.  These are added next
+      order of sub-key processing is undefined).
+      HKEY_CURRENT_USER is searched and added first.
+      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is searched and added next.
+      (Note that all known installers only use HKLM, so HKCU is
+      empty)
+    * We attempt to locate the "Python Home" - if the PYTHONHOME
env var
+      is set, we believe it.  Otherwise, we use the path of our
host .EXE's
+      to try and locate our "landmark" (lib\\string.py) and deduce
our home.
+      - If we DO have a Python Home: The relevant sub-directories
+        plat-win, lib-tk, etc) are based on the Python Home
+      - If we DO NOT have a Python Home, the core Python Path is
+        loaded from the registry.  This is the main PythonPath key,
+        and both HKLM and HKCU are combined to form the path)
+    * Iff - we can not locate the Python Home, have not had a
+      specified, and can't locate any Registry entries (ie, we have
+      we can assume is a good path), a default path with relative
entries is
+      used (eg. .\Lib;.\plat-win, etc)
+   The end result of all this is:
+   * When running python.exe, or any other .exe in the main Python
+     (either an installed version, or directly from the PCbuild
+     the core path is deduced, and the core paths in the registry
+     ignored.  Other "application paths" in the registry are always
+   * When Python is hosted in another exe (different directory,
embedded via
+     COM, etc), the Python Home will not be deduced, so the core
path from
+     the registry is used.  Other "application paths "in the
registry are
+     always read.
+   * If Python can't find its home and there is no registry (eg,
+     exe, some very strange installation setup) you get a path with
+     some default, but relative, paths.
+    ---------------------------------------------------------------
- */
  #include "Python.h"
  #include "osdefs.h"

  #ifdef MS_WIN32
  #include <windows.h>
! #include <tchar.h>

  #include <sys/types.h>
*** 168,274 ****

  #ifdef MS_WIN32

! #define BUILD_LANDMARK "PC\\getpathp.c"
! #endif

- #include "malloc.h" // for alloca - see comments below!
- extern const char *PyWin_DLLVersionString; // a string loaded from
the DLL at startup.

  /* Load a PYTHONPATH value from the registry.

     Returns NULL, or a pointer that should be freed.

  static char *
! getpythonregpath(HKEY keyBase)
  	HKEY newKey = 0;
- 	DWORD nameSize = 0;
  	DWORD dataSize = 0;
! 	DWORD numEntries = 0;
  	LONG rc;
  	char *retval = NULL;
! 	char *dataBuf;
! 	const char keyPrefix[] = "Software\\Python\\PythonCore\\";
! 	const char keySuffix[] = "\\PythonPath";
  	int versionLen;
! 	char *keyBuf;
! 	// Tried to use sysget("winver") but here is too early :-(
! 	versionLen = strlen(PyWin_DLLVersionString);
! 	// alloca == no free required, but memory only local to fn.
! 	// also no heap fragmentation!  Am I being silly?
! 	keyBuf = alloca(sizeof(keyPrefix)-1 + versionLen +
sizeof(keySuffix)); // chars only, plus 1 NULL.
! 	// lots of constants here for the compiler to optimize away :-)
! 	memcpy(keyBuf, keyPrefix, sizeof(keyPrefix)-1);
! 	memcpy(keyBuf+sizeof(keyPrefix)-1, PyWin_DLLVersionString,
! 	memcpy(keyBuf+sizeof(keyPrefix)-1+versionLen, keySuffix,
sizeof(keySuffix)); // NULL comes with this one!
! 	rc=RegOpenKey(keyBase,
! 		      keyBuf,
! 		      &newKey);
! 	if (rc==ERROR_SUCCESS) {
! 		RegQueryInfoKey(newKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
! 		                &numEntries, &nameSize, &dataSize, NULL, NULL);
! 	}
! 	if (numEntries) {
! 		/* Loop over all subkeys. */
! 		/* Win32s doesnt know how many subkeys, so we do
! 		   it twice */
! 		char keyBuf[MAX_PATH+1];
! 		int index = 0;
! 		int off = 0;
! 		for(index=0;;index++) {
! 			long reqdSize = 0;
! 			DWORD rc = RegEnumKey(newKey,
! 					      index, keyBuf, MAX_PATH+1);
! 			if (rc) break;
! 			rc = RegQueryValue(newKey, keyBuf, NULL, &reqdSize);
! 			if (rc) break;
! 			dataSize += reqdSize + 1; /* 1 for the ";" */
! 		dataBuf = malloc(dataSize+1);
! 		if (dataBuf==NULL)
! 			return NULL; /* pretty serious?  Raise error? */
! 		/* Now loop over, grabbing the paths.
! 		   Subkeys before main library */
! 		for(index=0;;index++) {
! 			int adjust;
! 			long reqdSize = dataSize;
! 			DWORD rc = RegEnumKey(newKey,
! 					      index, keyBuf,MAX_PATH+1);
! 			if (rc) break;
! 			rc = RegQueryValue(newKey,
! 					   keyBuf, dataBuf+off, &reqdSize);
! 			if (rc) break;
! 			if (reqdSize>1) {
! 				/* If Nothing, or only '\0' copied. */
! 				adjust = strlen(dataBuf+off);
! 				dataSize -= adjust;
! 				off += adjust;
! 				dataBuf[off++] = ';';
! 				dataBuf[off] = '\0';
! 		/* Additionally, win32s doesnt work as expected, so
! 		   the specific strlen() is required for 3.1. */
! 		rc = RegQueryValue(newKey, "", dataBuf+off, &dataSize);
! 		if (rc==ERROR_SUCCESS) {
! 			if (strlen(dataBuf)==0)
! 				free(dataBuf);
! 			else
! 				retval = dataBuf; /* caller will free */
! 		else
! 			free(dataBuf);
  	if (newKey)
  	return retval;
  #endif /* MS_WIN32 */
--- 220,365 ----

  #ifdef MS_WIN32

! /* a string loaded from the DLL at startup.*/
! extern const char *PyWin_DLLVersionString;

  /* Load a PYTHONPATH value from the registry.

+    Works in both Unicode and 8bit environments.  Only uses the
+    Ex family of functions so it also works with Windows CE.
     Returns NULL, or a pointer that should be freed.

  static char *
! getpythonregpath(HKEY keyBase, int skipcore)
  	HKEY newKey = 0;
  	DWORD dataSize = 0;
! 	DWORD numKeys = 0;
  	LONG rc;
  	char *retval = NULL;
! 	TCHAR *dataBuf = NULL;
! 	static const TCHAR keyPrefix[] =
! 	static const TCHAR keySuffix[] = _T("\\PythonPath");
  	int versionLen;
! 	DWORD index;
! 	TCHAR *keyBuf = NULL;
! 	TCHAR *keyBufPtr;
! 	TCHAR **ppPaths = NULL;
! 	/* Tried to use sysget("winver") but here is too early :-( */
! 	versionLen = _tcslen(PyWin_DLLVersionString);
! 	/* Space for all the chars, plus one \0 */
! 	keyBuf = keyBufPtr = malloc(sizeof(keyPrefix) +
! 		                    sizeof(TCHAR)*(versionLen-1) +
! 				    sizeof(keySuffix));
! 	if (keyBuf==NULL) goto done;
! 	memcpy(keyBufPtr, keyPrefix, sizeof(keyPrefix)-sizeof(TCHAR));
! 	keyBufPtr += sizeof(keyPrefix)/sizeof(TCHAR) - 1;
! 	memcpy(keyBufPtr, PyWin_DLLVersionString, versionLen *
! 	keyBufPtr += versionLen;
! 	/* NULL comes with this one! */
! 	memcpy(keyBufPtr, keySuffix, sizeof(keySuffix));
! 	/* Open the root Python key */
! 	rc=RegOpenKeyEx(keyBase,
! 	                keyBuf, /* subkey */
! 	                0, /* reserved */
! 	                KEY_READ,
! 	                &newKey);
! 	if (rc!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done;
! 	/* Find out how big our core buffer is, and how many subkeys we
have */
! 	rc = RegQueryInfoKey(newKey, NULL, NULL, NULL, &numKeys, NULL,
! 	                NULL, NULL, &dataSize, NULL, NULL);
! 	if (rc!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done;
! 	if (skipcore) dataSize = 0; /* Only count core ones if we want
them! */
! 	/* Allocate a temp array of char buffers, so we only need to loop
! 	   reading the registry once
! 	*/
! 	ppPaths = malloc( sizeof(TCHAR *) * numKeys );
! 	if (ppPaths==NULL) goto done;
! 	memset(ppPaths, 0, sizeof(TCHAR *) * numKeys);
! 	/* Loop over all subkeys, allocating a temp sub-buffer. */
! 	for(index=0;index<numKeys;index++) {
! 		TCHAR keyBuf[MAX_PATH+1];
! 		HKEY subKey = 0;
! 		DWORD reqdSize = MAX_PATH+1;
! 		/* Get the sub-key name */
! 		DWORD rc = RegEnumKeyEx(newKey, index, keyBuf, &reqdSize,
! 		                        NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
! 		if (rc!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done;
! 		/* Open the sub-key */
! 		rc=RegOpenKeyEx(newKey,
! 						keyBuf, /* subkey */
! 						0, /* reserved */
! 						KEY_READ,
! 						&subKey);
! 		if (rc!=ERROR_SUCCESS) goto done;
! 		/* Find the value of the buffer size, malloc, then read it */
! 		RegQueryValueEx(subKey, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &reqdSize);
! 		if (reqdSize) {
! 			ppPaths[index] = malloc(reqdSize);
! 			if (ppPaths[index]) {
! 				RegQueryValueEx(subKey, NULL, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)ppPaths[index],
! 				dataSize += reqdSize + 1; /* 1 for the ";" */
! 			}
! 		RegCloseKey(subKey);
! 	}
! 	dataBuf = malloc((dataSize+1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
! 	if (dataBuf) {
! 		TCHAR *szCur = dataBuf;
! 		DWORD reqdSize = dataSize;
! 		/* Copy our collected strings */
! 		for (index=0;index<numKeys;index++) {
! 			int len;
! 			if (index > 0) {
! 				*(szCur++) = _T(';');
+ 			len = _tcslen(ppPaths[index]);
+ 			_tcsncpy(szCur, ppPaths[index], len);
+ 			szCur += len;
+ 			dataSize -= len;
! 		if (skipcore)
! 			*szCur = '\0';
! 		else {
! 			*(szCur++) = _T(';');
! 			dataSize--;
! 			/* Now append the core path entries - this will include the
! 			rc = RegQueryValueEx(newKey, NULL, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)szCur,
! 		/* And set the result - caller must free
! 		   If MBCS, it is fine as is.  If Unicode, allocate new
! 		   buffer and convert.
! 		*/
! #ifdef UNICODE
! 		retval = (char *)malloc(reqdSize+1);
! 		if (retval)
! 			WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0,
! 					dataBuf, -1, /* source */
! 					retval, dataSize+1, /* dest */
! 					NULL, NULL);
! 		free(dataBuf);
! #else
! 		retval = dataBuf;
! #endif
! done:
! 	/* Loop freeing my temp buffers */
! 	if (ppPaths) {
! 		for(index=0;index<numKeys;index++)
! 			if (ppPaths[index]) free(ppPaths[index]);
! 		free(ppPaths);
! 	}
  	if (newKey)
+ 	if (keyBuf)
+ 		free(keyBuf);
  	return retval;
  #endif /* MS_WIN32 */
*** 281,289 ****
--- 372,388 ----
  	char *prog = Py_GetProgramName();

  #ifdef MS_WIN32
+ #ifdef UNICODE
+ 	WCHAR wprogpath[MAXPATHLEN+1];
+ 	if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, wprogpath, MAXPATHLEN)) {
+ 		WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, wprogpath, -1, progpath,
+ 		return;
+ 	}
+ #else
  	if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, progpath, MAXPATHLEN))
+ #endif
  	if (prog == NULL || *prog == '\0')
  		prog = "python";

*** 335,341 ****
  	char *envpath = getenv("PYTHONPATH");

  #ifdef MS_WIN32
! 	int skiphome = 0;
  	char *machinepath = NULL;
  	char *userpath = NULL;
--- 434,440 ----
  	char *envpath = getenv("PYTHONPATH");

  #ifdef MS_WIN32
! 	int skiphome, skipdefault;
  	char *machinepath = NULL;
  	char *userpath = NULL;
*** 357,366 ****

  #ifdef MS_WIN32
! 	if (!gotlandmark(BUILD_LANDMARK)) {
! 		machinepath = getpythonregpath(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
! 		userpath = getpythonregpath(HKEY_CURRENT_USER);
! 	}

  	/* We need to construct a path from the following parts.
--- 456,468 ----

  #ifdef MS_WIN32
! 	skiphome = pythonhome==NULL ? 0 : 1;
! 	machinepath = getpythonregpath(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, skiphome);
! 	userpath = getpythonregpath(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, skiphome);
! 	/* We only use the default relative PYTHONPATH if we havent
! 	   anything better to use! */
! 	skipdefault = envpath!=NULL || pythonhome!=NULL || \
! 		      machinepath!=NULL || userpath!=NULL;

  	/* We need to construct a path from the following parts.
*** 430,453 ****
  		buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
  		*buf++ = DELIM;
- 		skiphome = 1;
  	if (machinepath) {
  		strcpy(buf, machinepath);
  		buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
  		*buf++ = DELIM;
- 		skiphome = 1;
! 	if (skiphome) {
! 		*buf = 0;
! 		return;
! #endif
  	if (pythonhome == NULL) {
  		strcpy(buf, PYTHONPATH);
  		buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
  	else {
  		char *p = PYTHONPATH;
  		char *q;
--- 532,556 ----
  		buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
  		*buf++ = DELIM;
  	if (machinepath) {
  		strcpy(buf, machinepath);
  		buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
  		*buf++ = DELIM;
! 	if (pythonhome == NULL) {
! 		if (!skipdefault) {
! 			strcpy(buf, PYTHONPATH);
! 			buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
! 		}
! #else
  	if (pythonhome == NULL) {
  		strcpy(buf, PYTHONPATH);
  		buf = strchr(buf, '\0');
+ #endif /* MS_WIN32 */
  	else {
  		char *p = PYTHONPATH;
  		char *q;