[Patches] Constants to use urlparse results

gerrit@nl.linux.org gerrit@nl.linux.org
Tue, 7 Mar 2000 20:53:36 +0100

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


this patch adds some constants to the urlparse module, to improve
readability. First you would write:

>>> urlparse.urlparse(url)[4]

Now, you can write:

>>> urlparse.urlparse(url)[url.QUERY]

In my opinion, this improves readability, as the stat modules improves
readability in the results of os.stat (and so does statvfs).

I've also changed the...(bah, how do I say this in English)... usage of
the string module to usage of string methods.

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Plies korekt enie bet ingglisj joe encauntur in mai imil mesusj!
Comparison Python GUI's: http://www.nl.linux.org/~gerrit/gui.html
Please comment!

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="urlparse.py.diff"

--- /tmp/urlparse.py	Tue Mar  7 20:25:57 2000
+++ urlparse.py	Tue Mar  7 20:35:02 2000
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 # Standard/builtin Python modules
 import string
-from string import joinfields, splitfields, rfind
 # A classification of schemes ('' means apply by default)
 uses_relative = ['ftp', 'http', 'gopher', 'nntp', 'wais', 'file',
@@ -41,6 +40,12 @@
     global _parse_cache
     _parse_cache = {}
+PATH = 2
+QUERY = 4
 def urlparse(url, scheme = '', allow_fragments = 1):
 	"""Parse a URL into 6 components:
@@ -54,29 +59,28 @@
 		return cached
 	if len(_parse_cache) >= MAX_CACHE_SIZE:	# avoid runaway growth
-	find = string.find
 	netloc = path = params = query = fragment = ''
-	i = find(url, ':')
+	i = url.find(':')
 	if i > 0:
 		if url[:i] == 'http': # optimize the common case
-			scheme = string.lower(url[:i])
+			scheme = url[:i].lower()
 			url = url[i+1:]
 			if url[:2] == '//':
-				i = find(url, '/', 2)
+				i = url.find('/', 2)
 				if i < 0:
 					i = len(url)
 				netloc = url[2:i]
 				url = url[i:]
 			if allow_fragments:
-				i = string.rfind(url, '#')
+				i = url.rfind('#')
 				if i >= 0:
 					fragment = url[i+1:]
 					url = url[:i]
-			i = find(url, '?')
+			i = url.find('?')
 			if i >= 0:
 				query = url[i+1:]
 				url = url[:i]
-			i = find(url, ';')
+			i = url.find(';')
 			if i >= 0:
 				params = url[i+1:]
 				url = url[:i]
@@ -87,23 +91,23 @@
 			if c not in scheme_chars:
-			scheme, url = string.lower(url[:i]), url[i+1:]
+			scheme, url = url[:i].lower(), url[i+1:]
 	if scheme in uses_netloc:
 		if url[:2] == '//':
-			i = find(url, '/', 2)
+			i = url.find('/', 2)
 			if i < 0:
 				i = len(url)
 			netloc, url = url[2:i], url[i:]
 	if allow_fragments and scheme in uses_fragment:
-		i = string.rfind(url, '#')
+		i = url.rfind('#')
 		if i >= 0:
 			url, fragment = url[:i], url[i+1:]
 	if scheme in uses_query:
-		i = find(url, '?')
+		i = url.find('?')
 		if i >= 0:
 			url, query = url[:i], url[i+1:]
 	if scheme in uses_params:
-		i = find(url, ';')
+		i = url.find(';')
 		if i >= 0:
 			url, params = url[:i], url[i+1:]
 	tuple = scheme, netloc, url, params, query, fragment
@@ -151,10 +155,10 @@
 	if not path:
 		return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, bpath,
 				   params, query or bquery, fragment))
-	i = rfind(bpath, '/')
+	i = bpath.rfind('/')
 	if i >= 0:
 		path = bpath[:i] + '/' + path
-	segments = splitfields(path, '/')
+	segments = path.split('/')
 	if segments[-1] == '.':
 		segments[-1] = ''
 	while '.' in segments:
@@ -173,7 +177,7 @@
 		segments[-1] = ''
 	elif len(segments) >= 2 and segments[-1] == '..':
 		segments[-2:] = ['']
-	return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, joinfields(segments, '/'),
+	return urlunparse((scheme, netloc, '/'.join(segments),
 			   params, query, fragment))
 def urldefrag(url):
@@ -238,7 +242,7 @@
 	while 1:
 		line = fp.readline()
 		if not line: break
-		words = string.split(line)
+		words = line.split()
 		if not words:
 		url = words[0]
