[Patches] Warnings in pythonrun.c

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@python.org
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 16:06:45 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "GvR" == Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> writes:

    >> + This mailing list doesn't work.

    GvR> In more ways than once.  I haven't received anything through
    GvR> the patches mailing list all afternoon.  (I'm getting this
    GvR> thread because it's cc'ed to pythonlabs-info.)  Barry is
    GvR> looking into it -- maybe a reboot of dinsdale is in order (we
    GvR> had memory problems due to the Ultraseek daemon -- it's not
    GvR> clear that the new Mailman is suspect).

Basically the Ultraseek daemon had consumed all available memory so
Mailman couldn't make any progress on the messages sitting in its
queue.  We've now shut down Ultraseek and I'm running the qrunner
manually so hopefully we start seeing the message queue get cleared.

I'll be watching it closely over the next hour or so, and I'm going to
work with the CNRI IT folks on a more long term solution (involving
moving those services to different machines and making sure they
aren't memory starved).
