[Patches] [Patch #100974] Vlad's dynamic introspective memory allocator for Python

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Wed, 26 Jul 2000 07:20:43 -0700

Patch #100974 has been updated. 

Category: None
Status: Open
Summary: Vlad's dynamic introspective memory allocator for Python


Date: 2000-Jul-26 07:20
By: marangoz

Thanks for uploading the patch, but I'm not happy with it for the following
- some Makefile dependencies are missing
- obmalloc.c should go into Objects/ (or Modules)
- there's a working obmalloc.c~ file in there
- there's no configure option for enabling/disabling it

And the "introspective" thing doesn't hold for the moment, although
I've uploaded to starship a newer version. This is also why I haven't
uploaded a patch myself.

If I can't upload a new patch over this one, I suggest you delete the
patch until I upload a version I'm happy with (or update yours taking into
account the above points).  Thanks.

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