[Patches] [Patch #100979] support for out-of-tree "make TAGS"

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Tue, 25 Jul 2000 13:51:54 -0700

Patch #100979 has been updated. 

Category: None
Status: Open
Summary: support for out-of-tree "make TAGS"


Date: 2000-Jul-25 10:24
By: mwh

this (dead simple!) patch lets "make TAGS" work when $(srcdir) != "." (which funnily enough is how I do it...).

"make tags" now fails with

$ make tags
ctags -w -t ../src/Include/*.h
ctags: Unknown option: -t

... but I don't know what the correct fix is (just remove the "-t"?)

Date: 2000-Jul-25 13:51
By: gvanrossum

Hm.  I thought, just what I need, because my build directory is also in a different place as my source directory. But it turns out I want my TAGS file in the source directory! So now I'm indifferent on this.

The "make tags" works for me -- maybe you have a nonstandard ctags?


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