[Patches] Patch 100730 -- Change creation of new instances inUserString/UserList

Fredrik Lundh Fredrik Lundh" <effbot@telia.com
Wed, 5 Jul 2000 10:18:48 +0200

moshe wrote:

> [Fredrik]
> > -0: what's the point?  why would anyone create userlist sub-
> > classes where slicing etc returns objects of *another* class?
> Fredrik, one of us doesn't understand the other, but I'm not sure who. =

> The patch does *not* change what happens to derived classes, *unless* =
> override the _newinst() method. What is the problem with that?

so why should anyone ever want to override the _newinst() method?
show me a use case or two...

this looks like yet another attempt of trying to turn the usertype
classes into something they're not.  (they're subclassable versions
of the built-in types, not generic containers with type-like inter-

when the type/class difference is removed, these classes should
be removed.  please don't add things to them that we don't want
to have in the core types.
