[Patches] Complaints new patches list.

Greg Stein gstein@lyra.org
Fri, 11 Feb 2000 15:20:16 -0800 (PST)

On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Gerrit Holl wrote:
> More than a week ago, I sent a patch for some scripts in the Tools/
> directory.

I saw it but ignored it. If it hasn't been applied by (approx) April when
I truly start to review patches, then I'll take a close look at it and
recommend it for inclusion or let you know what else needs to happen.
Until then, it will sit there (unless somebody else looks at it).

There is *NO* guaranteed response time. If you believe so, then go rethink

> Before the patches list existed, I sent a patch to nntplib.py
> to Guido, who forwarded it to a lietenant.

Which lieutenant would this be? How do you know he did this? Before the
patches list existed, Guido did not *have* "lieutenants."

> I did not receive any response.

We don't owe you one. Sure, it would be nice. Sure, it would be polite.
But we have limited time. We are *volunteers*. If you want paid people
responding to your email about language changes, then start sending
patches to Microsoft Visual C++. I'm sure they'll respond in a timely

> I know my email reached the list, because
> I can see the message in the archive. nntplib class exceptions *are*
> implemented now, but by Barry (was my code too bad?). That my code is
> refused is OK (but I personally don't like it).

There was another issue that came up with nntplib, which was fixed
recently. As part of that fix, Barry also changed the exceptions. I
believe it was done completely independent of your patch. I doubt anybody
but Guido saw your patch. Ergo, nobody refused your patch... it just
happened to be done a bit differently by a different person.

> But I do want a personal
> response which tells me why my patch wasn't incorparated.

Most of us don't really even have time to process this stuff. I know that
I don't. In a couple months? Maybe, but I'll make time then. I've got
other stuff that I like to do, too.

> I did send the
> legal notice; even if I didn't, I should have got a response telling me
> to do so.

If you sent it to Guido, it probably went to a portion of his mailbox for
pending patches and he didn't give it a second look.

People have sent patches to this list without the notice and been asked to
send one. So, we do respond to people at least that much.

> I don't like this.

Too bad. I don't think you have the right to complain. We're VOLUNTEERS.
We do the best we can. We get to things when we happen to have time.

Your complaint comes on the heels of calling people "liars" because they
make a mistake on the www.list.org page. I don't think I like your
attitude in anything you do. You are a very unpleasant person.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/