[Patches] [Patch #102868] fileobject.c:get_line leaks memory when hitting EOF

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 12:59:24 -0800

Patch #102868 has been updated. 

Project: python
Category: None
Status: Closed
Submitted by: cgw
Assigned to : akuchling
Summary: fileobject.c:get_line leaks memory when hitting EOF


Date: 2000-Dec-19 12:59
By: akuchling

Checked in and closed.

Date: 2000-Dec-19 12:50
By: bwarsaw

Andrew, please check this in.

Date: 2000-Dec-18 19:06
By: akuchling

Patch accepted.  Charles, please check it in. 
 Thanks for catching this!

Date: 2000-Dec-15 16:22
By: cgw

The GNU library documentation says:

     If you set `*LINEPTR' to a null pointer, and `*N' to zero, before
     the call, then `getline' allocates the initial buffer for you by
     calling `malloc'. [...] when `getline' returns,  `*LINEPTR' is a 
    `char *' which points to the text of the line.

It does not explicitly specify what happens if EOF is hit or some other error occurs and -1 is returned.  But one can determine empirically that in this case the memory allocated by "getline" is not free'd.  Thus, every time you call "readline" on a file object and hit EOF, you leak
a little memory, as you will see if you run this little program and watch "top":

while 1:
    file = open('/dev/null', 'r')             
    line = file.readline()
(I did this test on a system with GNU glibc version 2.1.3)

The above patch guards against this memory leak.


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