[Patches] [Patch #102678] Let SocketServer reuse addresses

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 13:18:10 -0800

Patch #102678 has been updated. 

Project: python
Category: library
Status: Closed
Submitted by: moshez
Assigned to : moshez
Summary: Let SocketServer reuse addresses


Date: 2000-Dec-13 08:20
By: fdrake

Minor change:  instead of saying that allow_reuse_address defaults to \code{1}, just say that it defaults to true.  That re-inforces that this is a boolean, not an integer which may be interpreted differently for, say, 2.

Just make the change and check it in; no need to iterate here.

Date: 2000-Dec-13 06:02
By: gvanrossum

Moshe, you can go ahead and check in the code change.  Fred will approve the doc change ASAP.


Date: 2000-Dec-13 03:02
By: moshez

I've changed it as per Guido's comment. I've also added 
documentation of this undocumented feature...
Assigning to Fred, so he can have a look at the doco
changes. Guido already approved the intent, so this 
is the only thing stopping it.

Date: 2000-Dec-06 01:24
By: moshez

Following a discussion on #python, there was a consensus there that it's a pain SocketServer.py doesn't reuse addresses.

Date: 2000-Dec-06 09:59
By: gvanrossum

Right idea, wrong implementation.

Instead of this, set allow_reuse_address to 1; it's a class variable currently set to 0.  Then server_bind() already does the setsockopt().

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