[Patches] Proposed changes to netrc.py

lannert@uni-duesseldorf.de lannert@uni-duesseldorf.de
Wed, 5 Apr 100 18:47:19 +0200 (MEST)

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This is a -c diff (and the complete source, and the disclaimer) for the
netrc.py module to make it work with macdefs. (See discussion on
python-bugs list.) The original author, Eric S. Raymond, hasn't yet
approved of this change.


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*** /sw/lang/python/Python-1.6a1/Lib/netrc.py	Fri Feb  4 16:10:33 2000
--- netrc.py	Wed Apr  5 13:39:23 2000
*** 1,68 ****
  """An object-oriented interface to .netrc files."""
  # Module and documentation by Eric S. Raymond, 21 Dec 1998 
  import os, shlex
  class netrc:
      def __init__(self, file=None):
          if not file:
              file = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".netrc")
!         try:
!             fp = open(file)
!         except:
!             return None
          self.hosts = {}
!         self.macros = {}
          lexer = shlex.shlex(fp)
!         lexer.wordchars = lexer.wordchars + '.'
          while 1:
!             # Look for a machine, default, or macdef top-level keyword
!             toplevel = tt = lexer.get_token()
!             if tt == '' or tt == None:
!             elif tt == 'machine':
                  entryname = lexer.get_token()
!             elif tt == 'default':
                  entryname = 'default'
!             elif tt == 'macdef':		# Just skip to end of macdefs
!                 entryname = lexer.get_token()
!                 self.macros[entryname] = []
!                 lexer.whitepace = ' \t'
!                 while 1:
!                     line = lexer.instream.readline()
!                     if not line or line == '\012' and tt == '\012':
!                         lexer.whitepace = ' \t\r\n'
!                         break
!                     tt = line
!                     self.macros[entryname].append(line)
                  raise SyntaxError, "bad toplevel token %s, file %s, line %d" \
!             				% (tt, file, lexer.lineno) 
              # We're looking at start of an entry for a named machine or default.
!             if toplevel == 'machine':
!                 login = account = password = None
!                 self.hosts[entryname] = {}
              while 1:
!                 tt = lexer.get_token()
!                 if tt=='' or tt == 'machine' or tt == 'default' or tt == 'macdef':
!                     if toplevel == 'macdef':
!                         break;
!                     elif login and password:
                          self.hosts[entryname] = (login, account, password)
!                         lexer.push_token(tt)
!                         break
!                     else:
!                         raise SyntaxError, "malformed %s entry %s terminated by %s" % (toplevel, entryname, repr(tt))
!                 elif tt == 'login' or tt == 'user':
                      login = lexer.get_token()
!                 elif tt == 'account':
                      account = lexer.get_token()
!                 elif tt == 'password':
                      password = lexer.get_token()
!                     raise SyntaxError, "bad follower token %s, file %s, line %d"%(tt,file,lexer.lineno)
      def authenticators(self, host):
          """Return a (user, account, password) tuple for given host."""
--- 1,73 ----
  """An object-oriented interface to .netrc files."""
  # Module and documentation by Eric S. Raymond, 21 Dec 1998 
+ # Recklessly hacked and macdefs fixed by Detlef Lannert, 05 Apr 2000
  import os, shlex
+ import string  # not from Python 1.6 onwards
  class netrc:
      def __init__(self, file=None):
          if not file:
              file = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".netrc")
!         fp = open(file)
          self.hosts = {}
!         self.macros = {}  # indexed by hostnames
          lexer = shlex.shlex(fp)
!         lexer.wordchars = lexer.wordchars + '.-'
          while 1:
!             # Look for a machine or default top-level keyword
!             nexttoken = lexer.get_token()
!             if nexttoken in ('', None):
!             elif nexttoken == 'machine':
                  entryname = lexer.get_token()
!             elif nexttoken == 'default':
                  entryname = 'default'
!             elif nexttoken == 'macdef':
!                 # this is a toplevel macdef; what the heck is it good for??
!                 entryname = ''  # put it into self.macros['']
!                 lexer.push_token(nexttoken)
                  raise SyntaxError, "bad toplevel token %s, file %s, line %d" \
!             				% (nexttoken, file, lexer.lineno) 
              # We're looking at start of an entry for a named machine or default.
!             login = account = password = None
!             macdefs = {}
              while 1:
!                 nexttoken = lexer.get_token()
!                 if nexttoken in ('machine', 'default', ''):
!                     if (login and not password) or (password and not login):
!                         # macdef-only entries are acceptable!
!                         raise SyntaxError(
!                                 "incomplete %s entry terminated by %s"
!                                 % (`entryname`, nexttoken or "EOF"))
!                     if login:
                          self.hosts[entryname] = (login, account, password)
!                     if macdefs:
!                         self.macros[entryname] = macdefs
!                     lexer.push_token(nexttoken)
!                     break
!                 elif nexttoken in ('login', 'user'):
                      login = lexer.get_token()
!                 elif nexttoken == 'account':
                      account = lexer.get_token()
!                 elif nexttoken == 'password':
                      password = lexer.get_token()
+                 elif nexttoken == 'macdef':
+                     macroname = lexer.get_token()
+                     macro = []
+                     while 1:  # macro continues until empty line
+                         line = lexer.instream.readline()
+                         if not line or line == "\n":
+                             break
+                         macro.append(line)
+                     macdefs[macroname] = macro
!                     raise SyntaxError(
!                             "bad follower token %s, file %s, line %d"
!                             % (nexttoken, file, lexer.lineno))
      def authenticators(self, host):
          """Return a (user, account, password) tuple for given host."""
*** 72,94 ****
              return self.hosts['default']
              return None
      def __repr__(self):
          """Dump the class data in the format of a .netrc file."""
!         rep = ""
          for host in self.hosts.keys():
!             attrs = self.hosts[host]
!             rep = rep + "machine "+ host + "\n\tlogin " + repr(attrs[0]) + "\n"
!             if attrs[1]:
!                 rep = rep + "account " + repr(attrs[1])
!             rep = rep + "\tpassword " + repr(attrs[2]) + "\n"
!         for macro in self.macros.keys():
!             rep = rep + "macdef " + macro + "\n"
!             for line in self.macros[macro]:
!                 rep = rep + line
!             rep = rep + "\n"
!         return rep
  if __name__ == '__main__': 
      print netrc()
--- 77,121 ----
              return self.hosts['default']
              return None
      def __repr__(self):
          """Dump the class data in the format of a .netrc file."""
!         result = []
!         # First process the mysterious top-level macdef's:
!         host = ""  # dummy entry
!         for macroname in self.macros.get(host, {}).keys():
!             result.append("\tmacdef %s\n" % macroname)
!             result.extend(self.macros[host][macroname])
!             result.append("\n")
!         # Now for the machines (and the optional default entry):
          for host in self.hosts.keys():
!             login, account, password = self.hosts[host]
!             result.append("machine %s \n\tlogin %s\n" % (host, login))
!             if account:
!                 result.append("\taccount %s\n" % account)
!             result.append("\tpassword %s\n" % password)
!             for macroname in self.macros.get(host, {}).keys():
!                 result.append("\tmacdef %s\n" % macroname)
!                 result.extend(self.macros[host][macroname])
!                 result.append("\n")
!         # That's it ...
!         return string.join(result, "")
!         #return "".join(result)  # Python 1.6?
! def test():
!     import sys
!     if len(sys.argv) > 1:
!       file = sys.argv[1]
!     else:
!       file = ""
!     n = netrc(file)
!     print "hosts:", `n.hosts`
!     print "macros:", `n.macros`
!     print n
  if __name__ == '__main__': 
+     #test()
      print netrc()

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"""An object-oriented interface to .netrc files."""

# Module and documentation by Eric S. Raymond, 21 Dec 1998 
# Recklessly hacked and macdefs fixed by Detlef Lannert, 05 Apr 2000

import os, shlex
import string  # not from Python 1.6 onwards

class netrc:
    def __init__(self, file=None):
        if not file:
            file = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], ".netrc")
        fp = open(file)
        self.hosts = {}
        self.macros = {}  # indexed by hostnames
        lexer = shlex.shlex(fp)
        lexer.wordchars = lexer.wordchars + '.-'
        while 1:
            # Look for a machine or default top-level keyword
            nexttoken = lexer.get_token()
            if nexttoken in ('', None):
            elif nexttoken == 'machine':
                entryname = lexer.get_token()
            elif nexttoken == 'default':
                entryname = 'default'
            elif nexttoken == 'macdef':
                # this is a toplevel macdef; what the heck is it good for??
                entryname = ''  # put it into self.macros['']
                raise SyntaxError, "bad toplevel token %s, file %s, line %d" \
            				% (nexttoken, file, lexer.lineno) 

            # We're looking at start of an entry for a named machine or default.
            login = account = password = None
            macdefs = {}
            while 1:
                nexttoken = lexer.get_token()
                if nexttoken in ('machine', 'default', ''):
                    if (login and not password) or (password and not login):
                        # macdef-only entries are acceptable!
                        raise SyntaxError(
                                "incomplete %s entry terminated by %s"
                                % (`entryname`, nexttoken or "EOF"))
                    if login:
                        self.hosts[entryname] = (login, account, password)
                    if macdefs:
                        self.macros[entryname] = macdefs
                elif nexttoken in ('login', 'user'):
                    login = lexer.get_token()
                elif nexttoken == 'account':
                    account = lexer.get_token()
                elif nexttoken == 'password':
                    password = lexer.get_token()
                elif nexttoken == 'macdef':
                    macroname = lexer.get_token()
                    macro = []
                    while 1:  # macro continues until empty line
                        line = lexer.instream.readline()
                        if not line or line == "\n":
                    macdefs[macroname] = macro
                    raise SyntaxError(
                            "bad follower token %s, file %s, line %d"
                            % (nexttoken, file, lexer.lineno))

    def authenticators(self, host):
        """Return a (user, account, password) tuple for given host."""
        if self.hosts.has_key(host):
            return self.hosts[host]
        elif self.hosts.has_key('default'):
            return self.hosts['default']
            return None
    def __repr__(self):
        """Dump the class data in the format of a .netrc file."""
        result = []
        # First process the mysterious top-level macdef's:
        host = ""  # dummy entry
        for macroname in self.macros.get(host, {}).keys():
            result.append("\tmacdef %s\n" % macroname)
        # Now for the machines (and the optional default entry):
        for host in self.hosts.keys():
            login, account, password = self.hosts[host]
            result.append("machine %s \n\tlogin %s\n" % (host, login))
            if account:
                result.append("\taccount %s\n" % account)
            result.append("\tpassword %s\n" % password)
            for macroname in self.macros.get(host, {}).keys():
                result.append("\tmacdef %s\n" % macroname)
        # That's it ...
        return string.join(result, "")
        #return "".join(result)  # Python 1.6?

def test():
    import sys
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
      file = sys.argv[1]
      file = ""
    n = netrc(file)
    print "hosts:", `n.hosts`
    print "macros:", `n.macros`
    print n
if __name__ == '__main__': 
    print netrc()

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I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this
contribution is free of any claims of third parties under
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the extent that I have any such claims, I hereby grant to CNRI a
nonexclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, worldwide license to
reproduce, distribute, perform and/or display publicly, prepare
derivative versions, and otherwise use this contribution as part
of the Python software and its related documentation, or any
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I acknowledge that CNRI may, at its sole discretion, decide
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software and its related documentation.  I further grant CNRI
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