[Patches] [Patch #100955] ptags, eptags: regex->re, 4 char indent.

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Wed, 30 Aug 2000 13:01:18 -0700

Patch #100955 has been updated. 

Category: None
Status: Accepted
Summary: ptags, eptags: regex->re, 4 char indent.


Date: 2000-Jul-22 01:35
By: hooft

This is another time waster. But now at least I know how a TAGS file is constructed, and I know that re is a lot slower than regex.

Date: 2000-Jul-22 23:44
By: moshez

I'm not sure that this patch is worth it -- it seems backwards to analyse Python programs with re -- why not simply use the parser module if we really want this?

Date: 2000-Jul-25 13:57
By: gvanrossum

SRE should be faster again, right?

The parser module is a very big gun for this simple app -- look at it as an example for text processing (and documentation for TAGS files :-).

I say go for it.

Date: 2000-Jul-26 07:12
By: moshez

Somehow it passed through me, so I added ptags change too.
Anyway, Jeremy, Guido is for this.


Date: 2000-Aug-15 11:12
By: tim_one

Reassigned to Barry in Jeremy's absence, cuz Barry is da Emacs dude.  This was already Accepted; if you agree, please check it in and Close it.

Date: 2000-Aug-15 11:13
By: tim_one

Reassigned to Barry in Jeremy's absence, cuz Barry is da Emacs dude.  This was already Accepted; if you agree, please check it in and Close it.

Date: 2000-Aug-15 11:13
By: tim_one

Reassigned to Barry in Jeremy's absence, cuz Barry is da Emacs dude.  This was already Accepted; if you agree, please check it in and Close it.

Date: 2000-Aug-21 18:51
By: tim_one

Barry, please follow up on this, or assign it to someone else.

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