[Patches] [Patch #101137] Add raw packet support to socketmodule.c

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Thu, 24 Aug 2000 14:27:43 -0700

Patch #101137 has been updated. 

Category: Modules
Status: Postponed
Summary: Add raw packet support to socketmodule.c


Date: 2000-Aug-09 21:49
By: grante

Patch has only been tested on Linux: RH6.2 (Intel).

Patch is against 1.6b1


Date: 2000-Aug-15 22:15
By: tim_one

Assigned to Barry, since he just volunteered to rewrite all of Python's socket code anyway <wink>.

Date: 2000-Aug-24 21:27
By: jhylton

Not sure about this patch.  It needs to be tested on more platforms than just Linux, but I don't see that we'll have time before 2.0.  There are several other issues that must be resolved, too.  Thus, this patch falls subject to the feature freeze.

Style points: Indention is wrong.  The opening curly brace of an if
belongs on the same line as the test.  Whitespace is required around =
and after commas in argument lists.

The strncpy in makesockaddr does not check the size of the source
string.  It could overflow the buffer.

In makesockaddr, a new socket is created just to look up the interface
name associated with a particular interface.  This seems wasteful,
particularly in cases where few file descriptors are available.  I'm
not sure what the solution is, although it might be to change the
makesockaddr function so that it takes the socket itself.  Perhaps
that socket address for AF_PACKET should also accept and/or produce
interface numbers which the client can convert to names manually.

The sockaddr_ll has members ssl_hatype and ssl_pkttype, which are not
made accessible by this patch.  It seems like they should be, but I am
not sure.  Can you use SOCK_DGRAM without specifying the packet type?

getsockaddrarg is handled, but getsockaddrlen is not.

Question: Are there any other constants that should be added?  This
relates to the packet type question.


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