[Patches] [Patch #101249] port to Monterey (64-bit AIX) and pthread fix

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Wed, 23 Aug 2000 09:17:04 -0700

Patch #101249 has been updated. 

Category: Build
Status: Accepted
Summary: port to Monterey (64-bit AIX) and pthread fix


Date: 2000-Aug-21 15:16
By: tmick

This patch partly (some stuff went in already) ports Python to Monterey. Remember to 'autoconf' and 'autoheader'.

- Fix bug in thread_pthread.h::PyThread_get_thread_ident() where sizeof(pthread) < sizeof(long). As Tim sort of suggested, note that function is inherently hosed.
- Add 'configure' for:
  - SIZEOF_PTHREAD is pthread_t can be included via <pthread.h>
  - setting Monterey system name
  - appropriate CC,LINKCC,LDSHARED,OPT, and CCSHARED for Monterey
- Add section in README for Monterey build


Date: 2000-Aug-21 15:18
By: tmick

Tim, could you verify my thread_pthread.h change and then pass this off to some Unix-weenie, as you say, to check the Autoconf changes.


Date: 2000-Aug-21 15:34
By: gvanrossum

Hm. is it a good idea to check in this many changes for a compiler that's in beta test? I bet that by the time the Monterey64 compiler is out of beta half of these hacks are no longer necessary. And how many other people are in a position to need these changes?

[Not rejecting, just reflecting...]

Date: 2000-Aug-21 16:52
By: tmick

Well IMO:
- The thread_pthread.h fix (and SIZEOF_PTHREAD_T) is an actual fix not a hack (there was some agreement between Fredrik, Tim and I on it)
- The CC, CCSHARED, LINKCC, and LDSHARED are as per the (limited) Monterey compiler doc. I have no reason to believe that these will change post-Monterey-beta.
- The only things that could be considered hacks are the RANLIB=: and OPT= settings.

My p.o.v. is that by the time Monterey comes out of beta I may not be working on this and I would rather the information for compiling Python on Monterey successfully be out in the community rather than privately held (and forgotten) on my hard drive.

Date: 2000-Aug-21 23:57
By: tim_one

Jeremy made the mistake of revealing he was back from vacation, so reassigned to him.  HAHAHA!  The "interim release manager" gets some revenge.

Jeremy, please eyeball the config stuff and check whether it breaks Linux.

Trent and Guido, I agree with Trent that the get_ident change is fine, whether or not Monterey ever gets used.  And so long as Monterey changes don't propagate thru the rest of the codebase, there's no harm here either.  The only downside is cluttering up the config stuff with Yet Another flavor of Unix(tm), but that has an upside too (at least if Monterey *does* ever get used!  it's a head start).

Date: 2000-Aug-23 16:17
By: jhylton

Looks fine to me; has no adverse effects on Linux build.


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