[Patches] [Patch #101211] list comprehensions: require initial for clause

noreply@sourceforge.net noreply@sourceforge.net
Mon, 21 Aug 2000 18:24:21 -0700

Patch #101211 has been updated. 

Category: None
Status: Accepted
Summary: list comprehensions: require initial for clause


Date: 2000-Aug-17 19:55
By: montanaro

Description of the patch in the patch itself.


Date: 2000-Aug-22 00:03
By: tim_one

Skip, did you and/or Ping track down the problem you thought there might be with this?  Or am I misremembering email?  (Ironic note:  we moved to the SF patch manager so discussions wouldn't get lost!)

Date: 2000-Aug-22 01:14
By: montanaro

Yes, Ping found and fixed the problem.  The patch that I
submitted should do the right thing.  I'm reassigning it to
Guido for his  pronouncement.  I believe it's ready to go.

(I am still pretty unclear on the sequence of events that
are required to take a patch from idea to cvs checkin...)


Date: 2000-Aug-22 01:24
By: gvanrossum

Thanks!  To both of you.  Also for the doc additions.

Skip, please check it in and then set the status to Closed.

When you submit a patch (or update one), it's best to leave it unassigned or assign it to the release manager (today still Tim, after tomorrow Jeremy).

If it *needs* BDFL pronouncement, the release manager will assign it to me with appropriate comments.

Note: the patch part for graminit.c failed -- you may want to run pgen again before you check it in.

For more info, visit:
