[Patches] Re: Trashcan vs. GC vs. TRACE_REFS

Christian Tismer tismer@tismer.com
Wed, 26 Apr 2000 02:56:32 +0200

Neil Schemenauer wrote:
<schnapps - hick*>
> Guido, when you talk about not breaking extension modules what
> exactly do you mean?

I guess he is meaning this:
Does an extension have to be recompiled for your GC.

> With my current patch, extension types that
> are involved with GC must match the interpreter (GC vs.  no-GC).
> Other extensions do not have to be recompiled (even ones compiled
> before applying the patch).

That's important -- I can replace python16.dll, and the win32
extensions will not break -- ok?

ciao - chris

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