[Pandas-dev] [ANN] pandaSDMX 1.0.0 released

Dr. Leo stefan.pankoke at googlemail.com
Fri May 15 16:17:57 EDT 2020


Two years after the 0.9 release I am pleased to announce the availability of
pandaSDMX 1.0.0. This is a major feature release including rewrites in 
virtually all areas. Certain backwards-incompatible API changes appeared 
inevitable, but are largely outweighed by a host
of new and enhanced features. Highlights include:

• more complete and accurate implementation of the SDMX information 
model including
hierarchical code-lists and facets. This feature was overdue. It will
considerably facilitate the interpretation and representation of data
and metadata.
• Better handling of idiosyncrasies of data sources should ease data
acquisition in corner-cases
• Streamlined API and more informative string representations for
interactive data acquisition and exploration
• The information model has been decoupled from the XML and JSON readers so
that arbitrary data sources outside the SDMX ecosystem can be
embedded programmatically. This shift in architecture could
eventually seed the transformation of pandaSDMX from a pure client
library to an end-to-end SDMX platform for the generation of SDMX
files served over HTTP.
• Easier and more flexible configuration of HTTP connections through
user-provided requests Sessions
• vastly extended test suite and streamlined documentation
• Modern code base leveraging typing and pydantic

Quick start and links
• Installation (requires Python 3.7):

$ pip install pandasdmx

• Documentation:


• Github:



• add an intake driver/plugin exposing SDMX datasets and metadata
• provide conda package
InternationalStrings: re-implement support for locale selection
• support SDMXJSON structure-messages which have recently been added to 
the SDMX standard
• Fix a few known issues

Help wanted!


Many great people have generously contributed to this release. Even
the lion's share of the development was temporarily shouldered by a
single collaborator. A big thanks to all of them!

What is pandaSDMX?
pandaSDMX is an Apache 2.0-licensed Python library that implements
SDMX 2.1 (ISO 17369:2013), a format for exchange of statistical data
and metadata used by national statistical agencies, central banks, and
international organisations.

pandaSDMX can be used to:
• explore the data and metadata available from many data providers
such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Eurostat, the
ECB, OECD, and United Nations;
• parse data and metadata in SDMX-ML (XML) or SDMX-JSON formats—either:
o from local files, or
o retrieved from SDMX web services, with query validation and caching;
• convert data and metadata into pandas objects, for use with the
analysis, plotting, and other tools in the Python data ecosystem.

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