[Pandas-dev] How Far do we take ExtensionArrays?

Pietro Battiston me at pietrobattiston.it
Thu Feb 7 15:02:57 EST 2019

Quick questions on one of your points,

Il giorno mer, 16/01/2019 alle 11.15 -0600, Tom Augspurger ha scritto:
> [...]
> They've been great so far at addressing some of the shortcomings of
> NumPy's type
> system, but I imagine that users will be interested in pushing things
> even
> further. For example, users have been asking for proper support for
> nested data.

How much would it be difficult, in your opinion, to allow users to
provide third-party accessors?

My impression is that "proper support for nested data" is way beyond
the amount of complexity that we want introduce in the code base, but
that with EA we should be very close to allowing them to do it

(Not commenting on the other points because I don't know enough about
what was discussed, e.g. on the block manager rewrite)


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