[Pandas-dev] Agenda for pre-Scipy Pandas dev sprint

Joris Van den Bossche jorisvandenbossche at gmail.com
Tue May 22 17:31:36 EDT 2018

Hi all,

As I mailed before to this list, we are holding a pandas dev sprint just
before Scipy (see https://mail.python.org/pipermail/pandas-dev/2018-
April/000739.html, still welcome to contact me if you are interested in
But so we should also prepare in advance what we actually want to do and
discuss during the sprint.

Therefore I started a shared document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/
1CPkc4avxb9XiEpI7Zz9Wg8FUkC_oXQqmdZzD-alCa7o/edit?usp=sharing, and added
some (very brief) ideas. Feel free to add things there, add comments or
discuss here on the mailing list.
It would be good to get this document much more detailed, so we can use
that as a start to discuss things during the sprint itself, and to give
people that cannot attend also a chance to comment.

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