[Pandas-dev] Question

Rémi DENISE remi.denise at pasteur.fr
Mon May 22 05:11:39 EDT 2017

To whom it may concern,

I wanted to say that I really like pandas, it is the best for what I’m doing.

For one of my script I had to use rpy2 and that create a matrix but I needed to have this matrix to pandas so I use "import pandas.rpy.common as com" and a message came :

FutureWarning: The pandas.rpy module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. We refer to external packages like rpy2.
See here for a guide on how to port your code to rpy2: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/r_interface.html
  import pandas.rpy.common as com

So I check how to port my code to rpy2 instead of use it.

But when I compare the two methods, it’s not the same. In rpy2 the method return me a numpy array, but your method return me a pandas DataFrame which have the name of the rows and columns as I want.

So my question is how can I have exactly the same result as "com.convert_robj" with rpy2 because it’s not the same now and I want that pandas keep this method that does easily what I want and rpy2 doesn’t.

Thank you for your answer


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