[Pandas-dev] travis slowing down?

Jeff Reback jeffreback at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 06:49:21 EDT 2017

We are fairly heavy open-source users (plus we have paid additional builds)
of Travis CI. Thanks for all of the hard work!

We have noticed a considerable slowdown generally on builds, see here from
9 days ago:
https://travis-ci.org/pandas-dev/pandas/builds/241842849 total time 2.5 hrs

and compare to here (yesterday):
https://travis-ci.org/pandas-dev/pandas/builds/244822108 total time 3.5 hrs

we have had very minor code changes in this period. In fact I tried
reverting all of this code and build times stayed elevated.
I have to conclude that something in travis itself has changed.

any ideas?


Jeff Reback
pandas development team.
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