[Pandas-dev] Fwd: [pydata] Google Summer of Code 2016, GSoC2016

Jeff Reback jeffreback at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 22:34:16 EST 2016

Anyone have interest in being a mentor for google summer of code?

I think could put in the application pretty easily (though due next week):

if you do pls respond. I would say that we would need at least 1 other
person (I can be a mentor).


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Raniere Silva <raniere at ime.unicamp.br>
Date: Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 8:53 AM
Subject: [pydata] Google Summer of Code 2016, GSoC2016
To: pydata at googlegroups.com

Hi all,

Since Pandas is a NumFOCUS sponsored project
and NumFOCUS will apply to be a mentoring organization on GSoC
I want to know (1) if Pandas is planning to apply this year
and (2) if want to apply under NumFOCUS umbrella.

Pandas is welcome and encouraged to apply as separate mentoring
organizations directly with Google. We're happy to help you fill out your
application and improve your ideas pages, as well as link your page to help
students find you. We may also be able to be a reference for you.
It is totally fine if you want to use the NumFOCUS umbrella org
as a backup plan in case you don't get selected and we do!


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