[Overload-sig] Experimenting on real-world groups with potential solutions

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Sun Jun 26 13:55:15 EDT 2016

Kevin Ollivier writes:

 > Yes, but all of that served no purpose if they were debating a fix
 > to a problem that we haven't even proved exists, much less is being
 > experienced in the wild.

None of the protagonists questioned that both problems (a security
problem and a performance problem, depending on whether the 3.4
behavior or the 3.5.1 behavior is adopted) exist.  The entire
discussion revolved around which problem should be fixed in 3.5.2.  So
as far as I can see, your analysis that there was no problem has no
bearing on the social dynamics, even if you are correct -- everybody
else believed otherwise throughout the thread.


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