[Overload-sig] Should we import old MM discussions into e.g. Discourse?

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Thu Jun 23 13:14:44 EDT 2016

I'm trying something new here: moving a reply to a different subject.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:00 AM, Skip Montanaro <skip.montanaro at gmail.com>

> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 9:27 AM, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io> wrote:
>> For a short time period I think it’s fine to try and test
>> the waters, but long term we should pick one tool, whatever that tool is,
>> for this
>> kind of discussion [1] and bless that and get rid of anything else.
>> Whether that’s
>> mailman or discourse or something else.
> If you decided that (for example) python-dev would move to Discourse, is
> there
> a) some way to suck the old MM archives into Discourse?
> b) allow search engines to index them?
> It's not clear that the infinite scroll thing allows for (easy) indexing,
> though I assume Google and Bing have their collective act together in this
> regard.
> Would the MM->some-kind-of-forum decision be made on a list-by-list basis,
> or would some lists always remain MM-hosted? I can see where the natives
> might get very restless if you migrated comp.lang.python/
> python-list at python.org to some sort of forum tool. Python-dev or
> python-ideas would be bad enough, but for c.l.p it would probably be
> torches and pitchforks time.

I personally think that in this case (unlike hg->git) there is little
benefit to importing old discussions. The old discussions *do* have
permalinks, in pipermail and various other archives (e.g. activestate).
Those links are already being used and we should try very hard not to break
such links. That probably means keeping pipermail running forever, in
read-only mode.

FWIW I also don't think we need to shut down the existing mailing lists.
They serve a purpose. But they should not be the only place where we
discuss things (that's my definition of "forum" BTW) and probably not the
busiest place. I hope we can move all lists on mail.python.org to
MM3/HyperKitty with minimal disruption -- again I think it would be fine if
the archives weren't imported, even if that means some threads will be
split across two archival systems. That's not the end of the world.

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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