[Overload-sig] Testing the MM3 overload-sig

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Aug 1 10:22:29 EDT 2016

On Jul 31, 2016, at 05:51 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>Interesting. I sent this through the MM3 web UI, but apparently what
>that form does is just send email to overload-sig at python.org, which is
>routed to the MM2 instance. Oh well. Now I know.

I just tried playing with the test list and I noticed a misconfiguration,
which I've forwarded to postmasters.  I know Mark is away for a bit so this
may take a little bit to get resolved.

The other interesting thing is that it *is* possible to post messages to a
mailing list through the REST API (and command line FWIW); it doesn't have to
go through the LMTP/SMTP interface.  I actually thought that HyperKitty
(i.e. through-the-web) posts would use the REST API but it apparently
doesn't, leading to the misconfiguration delivery failure I noticed.  I'll
have to ask the HK folks why that is.


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