[Overload-sig] where does everything sit?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Aug 1 10:18:45 EDT 2016

On Jul 31, 2016, at 05:54 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

>OK, thanks! I am anxious to see this list migrated to MM3 -- it's just
>a small number of us and the point of the list is mostly to see new
>tools in action -- if the transition is a bit rocky that's fine, there
>are only a handful of us.

+1 - Mark should JFDI when he gets back online.

>I'm curious why MM3 doesn't let you log in with email and password
>directly? What benefit did Mozilla's service have? Was it just that
>Mozilla handled password security?

Persona was essentially an email-based single sign-on system.  It was a
perfect match for Mailman because they only thing you had to prove was that
you controlled your email address - exactly (and essentially *only*) the thing
that Mailman cares about.  It also had the nice property of being distributed;
persona.org was one common provider anybody could use, but you could run your
own Persona service for your domain if you wanted.

It's too bad that it just didn't catch on.  I remember talking to Dan Callahan
about the whys of that at Pycon 2015, but I don't remember much of the
details.  The software of course is open source, but I doubt anybody will pick
it up so both the service and project are effectively defunct.

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