[omaha] March Meeting Update

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 13:52:16 EST 2017

flask python web framework resources:

- https://westurner.org/wiki/awesome-python-testing#flask :

> | Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flask_(web_framework)
> | Homepage: https://flask.pocoo.org/
> | Src: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask
> | PyPI: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Flask
> | Docs: https://flask.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config/
> | Docs: https://flask.pocoo.org/docs/latest/
> | Docs: https://flask.pocoo.org/docs/latest/testing/
> | Awesome: https://github.com/humiaozuzu/awesome-flask
> - https://flask-debugtoolbar.readthedocs.org/en/latest/

- http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/latest/changelog/

- https://github.com/humiaozuzu/awesome-flask :

> App template/bootstrap/boilerplate
>    - fbone <https://github.com/imwilsonxu/fbone>
>    - flask-base <https://github.com/notedit/flask-base>
>    - cookiecutter-flask <https://github.com/sloria/cookiecutter-flask>
>    - cookiecutter-flask-pythonic
>    <https://github.com/tony/cookiecutter-flask-pythonic>
>    - Flask-Foundation <https://github.com/JackStouffer/Flask-Foundation>
>    - Flask-Empty <https://github.com/italomaia/flask-empty>
>    - flask-rest-template
>    <https://github.com/alexandre/flask-rest-template>
>    - gae-init <https://gae-init.appspot.com/> - Flask boilerplate running
>    on Google App Engine
>    - GAE Starter Kit <https://github.com/kkinder/GAEStarterKit> - Flask,
>    Flask-Login, WTForms, UIKit, and more, running on Google App Engine
> [...]

User models and auth (OAuth, Service XYZ) views:



Sample projects:

- https://github.com/IntuitiveWebSolutions/EngineeringMidLevel

  - https://github.com/westurner/flasktestapp
    - https://github.com/westurner/flasktestapp/commits/develop
    - https://github.com/sloria/cookiecutter-flask :

> - Bootstrap 3 and Font Awesome 4 with starter templates
> - Flask-SQLAlchemy with basic User model
> - Easy database migrations with Flask-Migrate
> - Flask-WTForms with login and registration forms
> - Flask-Login for authentication
> - Flask-Bcrypt for password hashing
> - Procfile for deploying to a PaaS (e.g. Heroku)
> - pytest and Factory-Boy for testing (example tests included)
> - Flask's Click CLI configured with simple commands
> - CSS and JS minification using Flask-Assets
> - Optional bower support for frontend package management
> - Caching using Flask-Cache
> - Useful debug toolbar
> - Utilizes best practices: Blueprints and Application Factory patterns


| Src: https://github.com/jeffknupp/sandman
| Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/sandman/using_sandman.html
| Docs: https://pythonhosted.org/sandman/authentication.html
-  (Flask, SQLAlchemy) (obsolete)

| Src: https://github.com/jeffknupp/sandman2
| Docs: https://sandman2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
| Docs:
-  (Flask, SQLAlchemy)
- https://github.com/jeffknupp/sandman2/blob/master/tests/test_sandman2.py
  - pytest_flask

| Src: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask
| Docs: https://pytest-flask.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
| Docs: https://pytest-flask.readthedocs.io/en/latest/features.html
| Pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pytest-flask

- pytest links: https://westurner.org/wiki/awesome-python-testing#py-test

| Src: https://github.com/flask-admin/flask-admin
| Docs: https://flask-admin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Bootstrap, select2
- http://examples.flask-admin.org/
- https://github.com/flask-admin/flask-admin/tree/master/examples

Flask Blueprints
| Docs: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/latest/blueprints/
- "Modular Applications with Blueprints"

... Two birds with one stone: these links'll also be helpful for this
research:  https://github.com/westurner/wiki/wiki/webframeworks

On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 4:54 PM, Steve Young via Omaha <omaha at python.org>

> Bob Hafner is speaking in Micro-services and Flask.
> We should have some time for the Kaggle group to give an update - last I
> saw we were just out of the top 1000.
> Wednesday, March 15
> Do-Space meeting room 1.
> 6:30-8pm (the room was booked until 6:30, so we won't be able to access it
> until close to that time)
> http://www.omahapython.org/blog/archives/event/march-
> meeting-micro-services-with-flask?instance_id=37
> Steve
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