[omaha] Simple SOAP server?

Wes Turner wes.turner at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 13:22:20 EST 2016

XML... https://pypi.python.org/pypi/defusedxml

On Friday, November 18, 2016, Hubert Hickman via Omaha <omaha at python.org>

> I need to have a very simple service running to receive a SOAP message and
> send a message back.  I've not done SOAP before so before wading wanted to
> ask for recommendations for those who have used SOAP before - any
> recommendations ?
> https://wiki.python.org/moin/WebServices lists a few and twisted seems to
> support it as well.  In the past I've plinked with Twisted enough to have
> it do some simple web services, but not SOAP.
> (In the past life of mine at UNMC, we did quite a bit of work with XML-RPC,
> but not SOAP.).
> Thanks all!!!
> Hubert
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