[omaha] Completely KIDS

Burch Kealey bkealey at unomaha.edu
Tue Jun 14 15:54:15 EDT 2016

I will note that from what I can see on the GWC website they provide a template for the instruction.  That takes a lot of the pain out of the process.

I am going to send this to our undergraduates & MBA's and try to see if there are a couple of women who would be interested in doing this under some supervision (from moi of course).  However, if anyone else has some ideas please share them with Ann and if you want to more forward then do so.

With regards


From: Ann Lawless <ALawless at completelykids.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 10:24:07 AM
To: Burch Kealey; Omaha Python Users Group
Subject: RE: Completely KIDS

Men are allowed to facilitate -

Thank you so much for sharing this with your group -

Ann Lawless
Director of Community Services
Completely KIDSSM
2566 St. Mary's Avenue - Omaha, Nebraska  68105
Tel:  402.397.5809 ext. 213 - Fax:  402.397.5811
alawless at completelykids.org<mailto:alawless at completelykids.org> - www.completelykids.org<http://www.completelykids.org/>
Strategic * Communication * Restorative * Achiever * Positivity

From: Burch Kealey [mailto:bkealey at unomaha.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 9:31 AM
To: Omaha Python Users Group <omaha at python.org>
Cc: Ann Lawless <ALawless at completelykids.org>
Subject: Fw: Completely KIDS

Feel free to directly contact Ann

Ann I shared this with the Omaha Python User's Group. I scanned the GWC website to see if men were allowed to participate/support/facilitate and didn't see anything against it but the only pictures I saw were of women and girls.  There are a few women involved in the group.

You might pipe back with how gender is considered.  I hope that did not come out in a clumsy manner.
From: Ann Lawless <ALawless at completelykids.org<mailto:ALawless at completelykids.org>>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 9:17 AM
To: Burch Kealey
Subject: Completely KIDS

Burch -

I was searching for avenues to help find a volunteer facilitator for a Girls Who Code Club (https://girlswhocode.com/) that we are starting at Completely KIDS and I found the OWH article about the code club you did.  I was hoping you might have some ideas of where we could reach out to find some volunteers.
Join 40,000 Girls Who Code - girlswhocode<https://girlswhocode.com/>
Before Girls Who Code, I never saw myself as a coder or an engineer. Girls Who Code gave me not just valuable coding skills but a valuable opportunity: to see myself ...

Thank you!

Ann Lawless
Director of Community Services
Completely KIDSSM
2566 St. Mary's Avenue - Omaha, Nebraska  68105
Tel:  402.397.5809 ext. 213 - Fax:  402.397.5811
alawless at completelykids.org<mailto:alawless at completelykids.org> - www.completelykids.org<http://www.completelykids.org/>

Strategic * Communication * Restorative * Achiever * Positivity

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