[omaha] Announce: YamJam v0.1.6 released

Jeff Hinrichs - DM&T jeffh at dundeemt.com
Mon Apr 28 07:34:24 CEST 2014

Ok, so after the last meeting I promised to straighten out yamjam so that
pip would be happy once again.   https://pypi.python.org/pypi/yamjam/

I went and set up CI on drone.io, documents on readthedocs and did battle
with the dragon that is the pypi submission and the long_description of
silently failing RST.

If you are looking to get sensitive data out of your Django settings.py
file or looking to apply DRY principles for your resource config
information you should give yamjam a go.

If you are looking for a good CI service -- I have nice things to say about
drone.io -- Travis, on the other hand, not so much.

apologies for any typos in this message -- I am weary of documenting and
editng ;)  (actually it was the number of bug reports that I filed had me

However, to make this exercise complete, I have to blog about my
experiences.  You can check out my blog later this week or just keep an eye
on Planet Python.

I'd rather be coding ;)


Jeff Hinrichs

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